From Thomas Jefferson

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What Do We Do Now?

It has been a year since the inauguration of President Obama, and it is clear that a “change in the way business would be done in Washington” was a lie, another political promise left unfilled. True to form, partisanship reigns supreme, transparency is out the window, the lobbyists are still comfortably ensconced on K Street, and corruption has risen to the level of outright open bribery, paying Senators and states for votes on legislation.

“We the people” have been scammed again by the DEM/GOP/MSM propaganda machines. We have been told that only the elites who run the two corrupt major parties somehow possess the necessary competence, wisdom, and experience to lead this great nation. It should be apparent to anyone paying attention that this supposition is absurd.

In fact, this absurdity is becoming apparent to many Americans who are actually now paying attention. As we wake up from the political slumber in which we have lived for the past 60 years, groups such as the Tea Party folks are spreading across the land like a wild prairie fire. On blog sites and websites dedicated to politics, on the TV and radio talk shows, more and more people are speaking out against the corruption and abuse of power by the elites in both parties.

The time has come for us to take responsibility for the governing of our country. We are the rightful owners of this great nation and we were given a birthright of freedom that has been slipping through our hands. The Founding Fathers correctly understood that freedom would only last if the citizens of the country took on the job of Constitutional self government. This concept of citizen legislators means that one willingly serves the nation for a time and then returns home to live under the laws that were created. The idea of career politicians taking over the governance of the country was not their intention, but it is what we have allowed to happen.

What we need to do now is to run for office ourselves as Independents in 2010, especially for seats in the House. We can no longer afford to trust the elites to properly manage the family business, a.k.a. the United States of America. To once again vote the lesser of two evils, doing the same old same old while expecting a different result is insane. We must change how we think and how we act.

To run for congress is not difficult. The usual requirements in most states are somewhat easier in the case of the House because you are only seeking to represent your congressional district. The key is to start now by getting together with family and friends and organizing a campaign committee. Next, work to secure interviews with your local media, and then get out into the community and start meeting your fellow citizens. If you present a message of common sense, you will find support and, most importantly, you will blunt the money advantage of the two corrupt majors and you can win. If you need some help, try this website, GOOOH.COM (Get Out Of Our House). These folks are working on a plan to replace all 435 House members and they will be glad to help you.

If we fail to act and we again relinquish control of our government to the elites, then we might as well say hello to a New World Order/Euro-Socialist hellhole. Allowing the two corrupt parties to maintain their virtual lock on power will not preserve the future of freedom for our children and grandchildren. If you think that, you are living in a fantasy land.

You do understand that the preservation of freedom is a continual endeavor that is our responsibility, don’t you? That is the very basis of Constitutional self government. It is our job to see to it that we pass on to the next generation the blessings of liberty. A failure to act will ensure that we will become the first generation that did not pass on to the next one a better future. The choice is yours and you must not fail act!

If you choose not to act, then sit your kids down tonight and show them how there aren’t going to be many new, good jobs in the near future. Tell them that they will be forever in debt to China. Also, be sure to explain why, when you had the chance, you chose not to be involved in securing those blessings of liberty for them. Tell them that you once again left it up to the elites to run the show because you simply couldn’t be bothered. Go ahead, have that talk, and then you can go watch the Superbowl!